Our group participated in several events at OHBM 2019 and partnered on 10 postsers. Starting with the ReproNim train the trainers event on June 4th, we spent 9 full days at OHBM. This post summarizes the events.

ReproNim: Train the trainers

During this event we focused on conveying principles of reproducibility to our group of trainers, and have them work through developing syllabi that they would use to improve practices around reproducibility in their home institutions. The day started with feedback about each of the current training modules in ReproNim. Following discussions around existing modules, there were presentations covering DataLad, how to use the ReproNim version of the Software Carpentry system to create course materials, and how to integrate the materials into the ReproNim moodle platform alongside quizzes. The participants spent most of the afternoon creating the courses.

Overall, there were a wide array of preliminary syllabi created including incorporating these tools into a formal semester long course being designed at the University of Arkansas. The plan is to meet virtually with the trainers to move these teaching materials along to completion and to teach in their local setting.

OHBM Brainhack and TrainTrack

The OHBM Brainhack and TrainTrack involved several tutorials and discussions on many different projects. From our group, Dorota covered Scientific Testing and Docker Containers, and I provided a bit of background on Heudiconv as part of Yarik’s presentation on ReproIn.

In addition to the training events, there were some discussions around Nobrainer (myself), integrating TestKraken into AFNI testing (Dorota and John Lee from AFNI), FitLins (Chris, Tal, myself), and many discussions and work around formalizing phenotypic information using the NIDM model (keater.dave, adina, jeff, myself). It was great to make tangible progress on a few fronts, while outlining next steps for many.

The main conference

We were part of 10 posters. They are being listed here. We will update the links to the actual posters.

We also had a fruitful discussion about Pydra and the future of Nipype.