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Director of Open Data in Neuroscience Initiative and Principal Research Scientist at MIT; Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology at Harvard Medical School
email: satra@mit.edu
2018 - 2023
Role: Research Affiliate, started 2017, working on Nipype, Neuroscout
email: cjmarkie@mit.edu
2022 - 2023
Role: Technical Associate I - working on Mumble Melody
email: akodiba1@mit.edu
2020 - 2022
Role: Technical Associate I, started 2020, working on Vocallect; MD student, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont
email: kennyngu@mit.edu
2021 - 2022
Role: Undergraduate Research Assistant - working on Mumble Melody
email: mvemuri@mit.edu
2020 - 2022
Role: Research Affiliate and Postdoc at MIT; working on Mumble Melody; Faculty at Northeastern University
email: rebklein@mit.edu
2020 - 2022
Role: Postdoctoral Researcher, MIT; worked on Nobrainer
email: dasd@mit.edu
Role: PhD Student (Visited Spring 2022) - Using fNIRS and physiological signals to study the interaction of workload stress and affective states.
email: fengyx@mit.edu
2015 - 2021
Role: Research Affiliate/Technical Assistant, worked on Nipype, BANDA, ReproNim
email: mathiasg@mit.edu
Role: Technical Assistant, worked on mumble melody and reproschema
email: <>
Spring - Summer 2020
Role: Visiting MS student from EPFL; Worked on evaluating BRAIN GANs
email: alice.bizeul@mit.edu
Fall 2019
Role: Visiting student working on processing retinal images
email: aishah3@mit.edu
Fall 2019
Role: Intern, working on the DANDI project at MIT
email: bkandimalla.wpi@gmail.com
2012 - 209, now postdoc at Dr. David Ress’ lab in Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Role: Worked on auditory brainstem neurophysiology, speech production in depression and indivudals who stutter. Recipient of an NIH F31 award.
email: ksitek@mit.edu
2018 - 2019, now at Educational Testing Service
Role: Worked on language models in Neuroscout
email: dg513@mit.edu
Visiting student, 2019
Role: Worked on generative models for brains and tumors.
email: wazeer@mit.edu
Technical Assistant 2017 - 2019, now MD-PhD student at Stony Brook University
Role: He developed Nobrainer and Neurodocker, and contributed to many of the group’s projects
email: jakubk@mit.edu
Research Scientist 2015 - 2017, now Engineering Scientist at Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
Role: As a member of ReproNim, she developed BrainVerse, a project management platform to make neuroimaging research more reproducible.
email: spadhy@tacc.utexas.edu
PhD student 2015 - 2018, now Technical Staff at MITLL
Role: Imaging, processing, and modeling, speech from individuals with self-assessed depression
email: gciccarelli@mit.edu
Technical Assistant 2015 - 2017, now Research Specialist at Princeton University.
Role: As a member of the group, he analyzed imaging and genetic data from individuals with schizophrenia using machine learning. The data was from the GENUS consortium and supported by an NIMH supplement to Genetic Determinants of Schizophrenia Intermediate Phenotypes.
email: ysa@mit.edu
Contractor 2017
Role: As a member of the group, she helped investigate open science grid for running large scale computation.
email: «not specified»
Intern 2017, Undergraduate at Cornell University
Role: As a member of the group, he helped improve BrainVerse implementation in its early days.
email: «not specified»